Helping Colleges and Universities Reach Their Student Success Goals
The Ada Center is a niche organization that helps access-focused education institutions use technology to support success goals. We are specialists in student success technology systems and, more importantly, how to partner with the people that will determine their efficacy. Across the last 7 years, we have been humbled to partner with 600+ higher education institutions, national organizations and philanthropy, and state systems focused on improving how technology can strengthen student outcomes.
What We Believe
Technology is not a silver bullet for any problem, but with the right planning and implementation, software can play an important role in advancing student success.
We’ve seen institutions dramatically increase retention and completion by using case management systems and student planning tools. We’ve also seen institutions sink hundreds of thousands of dollars—to say nothing of staff time—into software that is not integrated with processes and people, detracting from institution goals. The Ada Center’s mission is to help more institutions look like the former and avoid the latter. To do so, we work directly with college leaders and the state systems and national networks that support them. Here are some of the ways we can support your institution:
Helping your institution prioritize and strengthen technology initiatives, recommending specific technology and process investments likely to make the greatest impact on student outcomes.
Creating an implementation and training strategy for a student success technology roll-out.
Mapping your technology ecosystem and communication flow, detecting addressable pain points in the student and staff experience.
Consulting on software vendor selection, including RFP processes and integration planning.
Building faculty, staff, and student utilization of a software tool.
Engagements with The Ada Center typically begin with something we call a Student Success Technology Opportunity Assessment. From there, engagements vary in structure to meet the needs of your institution. The first step is to get in touch to share what you’re working on, or keep reading to learn more about how we support the field.