Module 1: Student Success Technology Landscape

Making sense of the student success technology landscape is the first step toward ensuring your institution’s technology investments align with and support your student success strategies and goals. This module will provide a practical overview of what effective student success technology looks like, how the technology marketplace is organized, and key continuing education resources.  Unlike the other four modules in this series, Module 1 is a foundational module light on interactive exercises and more focused on reading and reflecting.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What does effective student success technology look like from the student and practitioner perspective?

  • What are the categories of student success technology and how do they map to capabilities and products? 

  • What resources can support my continued learning on the evolving student success technology landscape and experiences of peers?


Module 1 Contents and Resources:

Module 1.1: Starter Pack

How Can Student Success Technology Advance Institution Goals?

Module 1.2

How Can I Make Sense of the Technology Landscape?

Module 1.3

How Can I Continue Learning?